
Minitab Classroom Training Courses

Create your own custom learning program for on-site by choosing from the courses below. Many courses are part of our prescribed learning tracks and are also offered as public training sessions.

Industry-Specific Options to learn Minitab Software

Our Minitab Classroom Training Courses are divided into two series – Manufacturing and Services. Both series cover similar statistical methods but their course materials use different industry-based examples.

Many Minitab Classroom Training Courses have prerequisite classes. Please contact us if you have any questions about which courses are right for you or to schedule on-site training.

Have Specific Training & Workshop Queries?

Manufacturing Series

Minitab Manufacturing Quality series is for professionals working in the automotive industry, chemical production plants, and other companies involved in manufacturing. The course materials include examples with metrics such as diameter, pressure, and hardness.

Services Series

Minitab Service Quality series is for professionals working in financial services, healthcare, retail and other service-related industries. The course materials include examples with metrics such as time, ratings, and revenue.

Minitab Essentials


In this 2-day foundational Minitab Classroom Training Course you will learn to minimize the time required for data analysis by using Minitab to import data, develop sound statistical approaches to exploring data, create and interpret compelling graphs, and export results. Analyze a variety of real world data sets to learn how to align your applications with the right statistical tool, and interpret statistical output to reveal problems with a process or evidence of an improvement. Learn the fundamentals of important statistical concepts, such as hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, and how to uncover and describe relationships between variables with statistical modeling tools.

This course places a strong emphasis on making sound decisions based upon the practical application of statistical techniques commonly found in manufacturing, engineering, and research and development endeavours.

Topics include

Importing and Formatting Data
Bar Charts
Pareto Charts
Tables and Chi-Square Analysis
Measures of Location and Variation

Proportion Tests
Tests for Equal Variance
Power and Sample Size
Simple Linear and Multiple Regression
Multi-Variable ANOVA


None. This course is a prerequisite for all other general Minitab Certified courses.

Upcoming Classroom Public Training Schedule

Due to Covid-19, we are currently not conducting any Classroom Training Program. We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting a Live Online Training Program. Please check our Upcoming Schedule by clicking the below button link.

Statistical Quality Analysis


Develop the necessary skills to successfully evaluate and certify manufacturing and engineering measurement systems. Learn the basic fundamentals of statistical process control and how these important quality tools can provide the necessary evidence to improve and control manufacturing processes. Develop the skills to know when and where to use the various types of control charts available in Minitab for your own processes.

Learn how to utilize important capability analysis tools to evaluate your processes relative to internal and customer specifications. Minitab Classroom  Training Course emphasis is placed on teaching quality tools as they relate to manufacturing processes.

Topics include

Gage R&R
Destructive Testing
Gage Linearity and Bias
Attribute Agreement
Variables and Attribute Control Charts
Capability Analysis for Normal, Nonnormal, and Attribute Data


Factorial Designs


Learn to generate a variety of full and fractional factorial designs using Minitab’s intuitive DOE interface. Real-world applications demonstrate how the concepts of randomization, replication, and blocking form the basis for sound experimentation practices. Develop the skills necessary to correctly analyze resulting data to effectively and efficiently reach experimental objectives.

Use Minitab’s customizable and powerful graphical displays to interpret and communicate experimental results to improve products and processes, find critical factors that impact important response variables, reduce process variation, and expedite research and development projects.

Topics include

Design of Factorial Experiments
Normal Effects Plot and Pareto of Effects
Power and Sample Size
Main Effect, Interaction, and Cube Plots
Center Points
Overlaid Contour Plots
Multiple Response Optimization



Upcoming Classroom Public Training Schedule

Due to Covid-19, we are currently not conducting any Classroom Training Program. We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting a Live Online Training Program. Please check our Upcoming Schedule by clicking the below button link.

Statistical Tools for Pharmaceuticals


Learn to apply Minitab tools commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry. Develop sound statistical approaches to data analysis by understanding how to select the right tool for a given scenario and to correctly interpret the results of the analysis. Learn how to easily import data and export output.

Learn the foundation for important statistical concepts for determining if a process mean is off target, whether two means are significantly different, and for demonstrating if a process change does not significantly affect a critical response. Develop the necessary skills to successfully evaluate and certify measurement systems. Understand how to utilize important capability analysis tools to evaluate your processes relative to internal and customer specifications. Learn how to evaluate a random sample of product from a lot to determine whether to accept or reject the entire lot.

Understand how to apply DOE for process improvement. Learn how to use stability analysis for determining the shelf life of a product. All applications place emphasis on making good business decisions based upon the practical application of statistical techniques commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Topics include

Importing and Formatting Data
Bar Charts
Power and Sample Size Determination
Equivalence Tests
Proportion Tests
Tolerance Intervals
Variables and Attribute Control Charts
Multi-Variable ANOVA
Attribute Agreement Analysis & Gage R&R
Attribute Acceptance Sampling
Capability Analysis for Normal and Nonnormal Data


None. This course can be used as a pre-requisite to Response Surface Designs and DOE in Practice

Upcoming Classroom Public Training Schedule

Due to Covid-19, we are currently not conducting any Classroom Training Program. We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting a Live Online Training Program. Please check our Upcoming Schedule by clicking the below button link.

Minitab Essentials for Service Quality


In this 2-day foundational Minitab Classroom Training Course you will learn to minimize the time required for data analysis by using Minitab to import data, develop sound statistical approaches to exploring data, create and interpret compelling graphs, and export results. Analyze a variety of real world data sets to learn how to align your applications with the right statistical tool, and interpret statistical output to reveal problems with a process or evidence of an improvement. Learn the fundamentals of important statistical concepts, such as hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, and how to uncover and describe relationships between variables with statistical modeling tools.

This course places a strong emphasis on making sound decisions based upon the practical application of statistical techniques commonly used in business, transactional, and services processes.

Topics include

Importing and Formatting Data
Bar Charts
Pareto Charts
Tables and Chi-Square Analysis
Measures of Location and Variation

Proportion Tests
Tests for Equal Variance
Power and Sample Size
Simple Linear and Multiple Regression


None. This course is a prerequisite for all other general Minitab Certified courses for Service Quality.


Upcoming Classroom Public Training Schedule

Due to Covid-19, we are currently not conducting any Classroom Training Program. We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting a Live Online Training Program. Please check our Upcoming Schedule by clicking the below button link.

Statistical Quality Analysis for Service Quality


Develop the necessary skills to successfully evaluate and certify your measurement systems. Learn the basic fundamentals of statistical process control and how these important quality tools can provide the necessary evidence to improve and control your processes. Develop the skills to know when and where to use the various types of control charts available in Minitab. Learn how to utilize important capability analysis tools to evaluate your processes relative to internal and customer specifications.

The course emphasizes the teaching of quality tools as they pertain to service industries.

Topics include

Attribute Agreement for Binary, Nominal, and Ordinal Data
Kappa and Kendall’s Coefficients
Gage R&R
Variables and Attribute Control Charts
Capability Analysis for Normal, Nonnormal, and Attribute Data



Statistical Modeling for Service Quality


Expand your set of available statistical tools by analyzing data from real world problems experienced in service industries. Strengthen analysis skills with tools used to explore and describe relationships between variables. Learn to discover and describe features in data related to the effect and impact of time, and how to forecast future process behaviour.

Utilize graphical and quantitative approaches to describe similarities and differences between the effects of various factors on important quality characteristics. Learn how to find and quantify the effect that factors have on the probability of a critical event occurring.

Topics include

Multi-Variable ANOVA
Binary Logistic Regression
Factorial Designs
Time Series Tools, including Exponential Smoothing
Trend Analysis
Multiple Linear Regression including Best Subsets and Stepwise Regression



Upcoming Classroom Public Training Schedule

Due to Covid-19, we are currently not conducting any Classroom Training Program. We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting a Live Online Training Program. Please check our Upcoming Schedule by clicking the below button link.

Minitab Essentials for Healthcare


In this 2-day foundational Minitab Classroom Training Course you will learn to minimize the time required for data analysis by using Minitab to import data, develop sound statistical approaches to exploring data, create and interpret compelling graphs, and export results. Analyze a variety of real world data sets to learn how to align your applications with the right statistical tool, and interpret statistical output to reveal problems with a process or evidence of an improvement. Learn the fundamentals of important statistical concepts, such as hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, and how to uncover and describe relationships between variables with statistical modeling tools.

This course places a strong emphasis on making sound decisions based upon the practical application of statistical techniques commonly used in healthcare.

Topics include

Importing and Formatting Data
Bar Charts
Pareto Charts
Tables and Chi-Square Analysis
Measures of Location and Variation

Proportion Tests
Tests for Equal Variance
Power and Sample Size
Simple Linear and Multiple Regression


None. This course is a prerequisite for all other general Minitab Certified courses for Service Quality.


Upcoming Classroom Public Training Schedule

Due to Covid-19, we are currently not conducting any Classroom Training Program. We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting a Live Online Training Program. Please check our Upcoming Schedule by clicking the below button link.

Statistical Quality Analysis for Healthcare


Develop the necessary skills to successfully evaluate and certify your measurement systems. Learn the basic fundamentals of statistical process control and how these important quality tools can provide the necessary evidence to improve and control your processes. Develop the skills to know when and where to use the various types of control charts available in Minitab. Learn how to utilize important capability analysis tools to evaluate your processes relative to internal and customer specifications.

The course emphasizes the teaching of quality tools as they pertain to the healthcare industry.

Topics include

Attribute Agreement for Binary, Nominal, and Ordinal Data
Kappa and Kendall’s Coefficients
Gage R&R
Variables and Attribute Control Charts
Capability Analysis for Normal, Nonnormal, and Attribute Data



Upcoming Classroom Public Training Schedule

Due to Covid-19, we are currently not conducting any Classroom Training Program. We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting a Live Online Training Program. Please check our Upcoming Schedule by clicking the below button link.

Build Your Own Learning Program at onsite

Create your own custom learning program by choosing from prepared learning tracks or create your own by selecting from our individual course offerings ranging from introductory level to more advanced offerings.

Qsutra – the Authorised Partner & Certified Training Provider for Minitab in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Nepal!

With Minitab Certified Trainings, attendees learn to efficiently use Minitab Software and Maximize the Returns, for their organization’s investments. Our Trainers are Expert Statisticians and Seasoned Industry Professionals, who are tested & certified by Minitab, LLC. USA, after going through their rigorous certification process. Our trainings provide Hands-on learning through real world problem solving – training attendees work through real world quality improvement scenarios (we have standard Examples) with guidance from the instructors so the training is retained after the class ends.