Business Intelligence
In today’s competitive business environment, every organisation has to be at the forefront to achieve the highest level of excellence across all the domains. To understand better ongoing on the market and in an organisation, we need to have a good level of business intelligence.
Artelnics – Qsutra offers a wide variety of solutions to face challenges such as knowing: who are the most valuable customers? Which marketing campaigns work better for my business? Who will remain a loyal customer and who will not? And many others.
Business Intelligence Solutions
Customer Segmentation
Understand Your Clients, Optimise Campaigns & Increase Conversion.
Not all customers are the same, by knowing which ones will buy your products and which won’t is the main competitive advantage that you can have. In the purchasing process, people interact with all kinds of complex variables. By analysing data such as age, gender, interests, and so on, you can target specific clients and allocate resources optimally.
Recommendation Systems
Increase Sales, Increase Traffic & Improve Customer Retention.
Nowadays, when we buy online, we get suggestions from recommender systems. These types of systems are tools designed to automatically suggest customers products that suit their preferences. Recommender systems are essentially predictive analytics engines. Using historical information from product searches and purchases, we will increase sales offering your products to the right customers.
Sales Forecasting
Best Estimates, Fearless Logistics & Decision Making.
Sales forecasting is the process of estimating future sales based on historical data. Organisations need to know what their sales will be to establish an action plan. Some of the variables involved are before history, seasonality, market-moving events and all of them contribute to making a realistic prediction. Through these studies, you can create a good income and expenditure budget, which contributes to having a better business strategy.
Risk Analysis
Find Uncertainty Factors, Improve Knowledge & Assess Hazard.
Risk analysis is the study of uncertainties that we encounter in business. Advanced analytics has become an essential tool for organisations who want to make a risk analysis. It helps them to identify and mitigate these risks and minimize their impact on our decisions.
Churn Prevention
Understand Market, Enhanced Satisfaction & Identify Problems.
Customer churn is a term used to describe the loss of customers. An important part of any business is to keep its customers; indeed, attracting new ones is much more expensive than keeping old ones. Data mining techniques allow us to understand the reasons why our customers are not loyal. Knowing these reasons, we can take action to retain them.
Quality Improvement
Fit Customer Preferences, Increase Profit & Reduce Attrition Rate.
The goal of any business is that their products suit customer requirements. Deficiencies in quality mean being less competitive in the global market place. Market research with advanced analytics will make the difference between you and your competitors. Indeed, that technique will align your products to your customers.