Random Forests
What is Random Forest® ?
Random Forests® Strengths
- Automatic variable selection.
- Automatic modelling of local effects.
- Invariant to monotone transformations of predictors.
- Automatic missing value & outlier handling.
- Automatic variable interaction & nonlinear relationship detection.
Random Forests® in Salford Predictive Modeler
Why use Random Forests®?
- Can be used for both Classification and Regression problems.
- Random forest will ultimately identify the best predictors automatically.
- Capable of handling large datasets and missing values.
- Trees are grown at high speed because few variables are in use at any one time.
- It offers novel graphical displays that can yield new insights into data.
- Reduces the risk of overfitting and enhances the accuracy of the model.
- Random forest has less variance than a single decision tree.
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